
"Sound Level Analyzer" has received the highest rating in the academic journal "Applied Acoustics".


"Sound Level Analyzer" has received the highest rating as a sound level meter app in the research paper of acoustic academic journal "Applied Acoustics".

”Testing the accuracy of smartphones and sound level meter applications for measuring environmental noise”, Enda Murphy, Eoin A. King ; Applied Acoustics 106(2016)16-22.

This paper reports on experimental tests undertaken to assess the capability of noise monitoring applications to be utilized as an alternative low cost solution to traditional noise monitoring using a sound level meter. This research has been tested 100 smartphones in a reverberation room.

The results suggest that apps written for the iOS platform are superior to those running on the Android platform. They show that one of the apps tested "Sound Level Analyzer (SLA)" is within ±1 dB of true noise levels across four different reference conditions. In this paper, the app name is described as "SLA Lite".
posted by toons at 19:21| News


Today Released new iPhone app, "Low Frequency Detector" !


Now on Release, iPhone app "Low Frequency Detector"!
This app is a new acoustic measurement tool for detecting low frequency sound that is hard to hear in the normal situation. It supports very lower frequency range less than 100Hz by our proprietary sound sensing technology. It can also display the low frequency component measurement by 1/3 octave band analysis and FFT analysis. It jumps to the app support page by clicking the icon.
posted by toons at 20:55| News

Blog start !


TOON starts a staff blog today.
We would like to talk about the product information, support information and interests.

Go to TOON,LLC. web site.
posted by toons at 17:25| News